Sunday, February 21, 2010

5 Tips for Tiger Growth

Xin nian kuai le. Gong xi fa cai. Nian nian you yu. And happy new lunar year.

While in the midst of the 15 days of Chinese New Year celebrations for this new year of the Golden Tiger, it's perhaps a good time to check in on your January 1st New Year's resolutions.

My guess: in the first 7 weeks of 2010, you've already abandoned some or all of these. Why?

1: inadequate checking in on YourGoals

2: insufficient leverage or accountability

3: lack of discipline to walk your talk

I'm assuming that YourGoals would have contributed positively to your life and perhaps the lives of others, so revisit them.

First: resolve to check in more frequently on YourGoals. Plan, execute, review, repeat.

Second: work with a group, an ExecCoach or someone who can hold you more accountable.

Third: increase your discipline to increase your results. Identify causes of failures, decide to shift your thinking and behaviour, and then act to achieve a clearly-defined purpose.

If you didn't make any resolutions or you'd like to add some, here are 5Tips to make this Tiger year a grrreat one for growth.

GrowthTip 1: Talking Tiger Hidden Learning

If you're always the expert, you're not listening and you might not be learning. Go and listen to a variety of specialists that can give you new insights and help you further grow and develop. Yes that means going to events, network, listen, apply. (Yes, I have just the event for you: the Singapore Leadership Development Congress).

GrowthTip 2: Tiger Learns From an Ambush

The collective for tigers is: an ambush of tigers. Bring your tigers together and bring in a specialist speaker. Then evaluate your common TeamGoal, your ExecutionTiming, your location strengths and your willingness to ActOnOpportunity. Procrastination almost always costs money. Example: booking an air ticket; if you leave it to the last minute, it'll cost you a fortune.

GrowthTip 3: Tiger Collaborates for Big Wins

Make this a year for effective collaboration. That means working together for mutual benefit and ROI. You with your strength, me with mine. If you want to fly somewhere, you collaborate with flying specialists as well as others who share a similar need and can share the cost. Similarly if you want to increase productivity and results, then you bring in productivity and results specialists (yes that is what I help businesses improve: increase profitable productivity).

GrowthTip 4: Tiger is Watchful and Restful

Tigers keenly observe what is going on. And they are well rested to ensure performance. Sleep well this year. Sleeping 8 hours a night increases productivity by 25%. If you sleep 6 hours a night, you might have 2 extra hours awake (or 8.33% of a day), but if your productivity is 25% less then that's a bad return on investment. Sleep on it. You can't be an EffectiveLeader if you're not healthy.

GrowthTip 5: Tiger seeks Courage through Faith

Tigers stand for courage and action. Be swift with your action this year. Make decisions often. Be courageous. Have faith in your purpose and your ability to succeed. When I take people through the 9 Characters to Victory in my V9 profile, it's amazing to watch people finally identify why they haven't been more Victorious. Often it comes down to their relationships with themselves, each other and, importantly, with their purpose. Have faith in your purpose.

Have a fantastic year of the Golden Tiger. Seek Victory, Listen, Learn, Collaborate, Rest, and Be Courageous.

Actions to Execute:

This year ensure you get clarity on YourGoals, check in frequently and develop those around you to help in collaborative success.

We're helping LeadersDevelop themselves and their people at the Singapore Leadership Development Congress. Make it one event that you commit to attending this year.

Also, bring in specialists to work with your people. They will bring in a fresh perspective without the perceived conflict of interest that internal speakers may convey. Have speakers work with your people in workshops, corporate events, or strategic off-sites. Focused, professional and outcome-oriented workshops can deliver extraordinary productivity gains and positive bottom line results.

You can find specialist speakers, leadership articles and magazines as well as events all of this through, because that what we do.

To begin with: decide to come to the Congress. See below:


Bring your key leadership people with you to the Singapore Leadership Development Congress 2010 (April 12 & 13 for BusinessLeaders, and April 16 for EducationLeaders). This event is focused on developing capability and growing business results. You will learn from 20 international and local business mentors in a 2-day intensive. Learn more. Secure tickets. CLICK HERE

Speak with you soon.

Tim Wade
Executive Producer
Walk Your Talk Media
+65 62208682

Come to the congress:

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